Creamy Leek & Potato Pizza

Time: 40 mins
Serves: 8
Tags: Family, Vegetarian


Whether it be a rainy day or a warm summers evening, this creamy leek and cheesy potato pizza recipe from Pizza Pop-up Restaurant Ffwrnes is delicious fun for all the family!


  • 1000 g ’00’ Flour, with high gluten content
  • 2 g Fresh Baker’s Yeast
  • 600ml Cold Water
  • 30 g Table Salt
  • 2 Blas y Tir Leeks
  • 1 Onion
  • 250 g Double Cream
  • Knob of Butter
  • 1 tbsp Cooking Oil
  • Handful of Blas y Tir Potatoes, par boiled and thinly sliced
  • 1 125g Mozzarella Balls, drained & shredded
  • 100 g Fresh Parmesan, grated
  • Spring of Fresh Rosemary


  1. MAKING THE BASE: 1. Tip the flour onto your work service and make a well in the centre. Dissolve the yeast in the water and pour into the middle of the well, a little at a time, whilst using your hands to bring the walls of the flour in so that the water begins to thicken. Once you have reached the consistency of custard, add the salt and bring in the rest of the flour until it comes together as a dough. Knead for 10-15 minutes. 2. Cover and leave to rest for 10 minutes before kneading again quickly for 10 seconds – this helps to develop the flavour and the gluten. 3. Divide the dough into 200g balls and leave to rest overnight or for at least 8 hours, preferably 24 hours, in a sealed container or a deep baking dish. Sprinkled with flour and covered in cling film. Remember to leave space for each of the dough balls because, as the will roughly double in size.
  2. PREPARING THE BASE: 1. Scrape a dough ball out of its container using a spatula and as much flour as you need to ensure it dose not stick. The rounder the dough ball comes out, the rounder the final pizza base. 2. Put the dough ball onto a well-floured surface (honestly, if you are going to get serious about pizza making, get used to having flour play a large part in your life). 3. Using your fingertips, press out the dough ball firmly, starting at the centre and working out to the edge. Ensure you leave a centimetre around the rim of the pizza untouched. 4. Turn the dough ball over and repeat the pressing out process on the other side. 5. Using the palm of your hand, do one firm push in the centre of the dough ball to ensure the thickness of the base is consistent (not counting the raised edges). 6. Take the newly flattened dough ball on the back of your hands, ensuring the weight is on your knuckles and that your fingertips and nails are not going to poke a hole in the dough. 7. Using the back of your hands, stretch the dough out as far as you can without tearing it.. Turn the dough through 90 degrees and repeat this stretching. Do this a few times. 8. You should now have a disc of dough around 10 inches in diameter, consistently thin but with a slightly thicker rim. If so, you are ready to cook.
  3. MAKING THE CREAMY LEEK SAUCE: 1. Heat oil in non stick pan. Add thinly sliced leeks and onions and butter. Fry until soft, then add cream and simmer for about 1-2 minutes. 2. Allow to cool.
  4. COOKING THE NEAPOLITAN PIZZA: 1. Pre-heat the grill to its highest setting. 2. Heat a non-stick frying pan to high. 3. Take one of your stretched dough balls and lay it flat in the frying pan. 4. Spread a thin layer of creamy leek sauce onto the dough, leaving a couple of centimetres around the edge for the crust. Add the remainder of the toppings and drizzle with a little olive oil. 5. Once the base of the pizza has browned (about 1-2 minutes), take the frying pan and place it on the highest shelf, under the grill. 6. Once the crust has taken on some colour (again about 1-2 minutes), the pizza is ready to go.

Top Tip

Make the dough the night before and leave to proof for 24 hours for and even better tasting pizza base!

You can find out more about Ffwernes Pizza by following their Instagram page, here!

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